So, in light of this, I decided to write down my most common thoughts/advice that would be offered, if asked. Make no mistake that I doubt anyone honestly cares, but it was coming time for another update, and this seemed to fit the part. Aren't all of us bloggers really just egomaniacal enough to think someone actually cares what we think?!
So here goes:
1. Smile! Really, it isn't as bad as you think. Even if they put mustard on your sandwich, and it doesn't taste as good, tomorrow it won't matter. Lighten up! Geez!
2. Do you job, plus. Someone is always looking, even if it isn't your boss, someone will always be aware of what you are, or are not doing. Doing a little more than you have been asked will result in ten times more than you put into it. So even if you don't really want to do that extra thing, and especially if no one has asked you to do it, just do it. Even if your motive at that point is selfish, just do it. Someone will notice. They always do.
3. Try to not air too much dirty laundry or depressing thoughts on FB/Twitter/other social media. While your friends love you and want to know what is going on, daily updates on the terrible pains, sadness, aches, downers, lost sleep, etc, just does not progress the situation in any way. A little of it is okay, but a lot of it is quite frankly unnecessary. (See #1.)
4. Eat healthy when you can when at a restaurant. (Thanks Michael!) If there is anything that you will like that is even slightly healthy, opt for that one instead of the deep fried cheese sticks. Your rear end will appreciate it.
5. Do something nice for your spouse. Even if it is something little. Even if it is #1 of this list and that is all you can muster that day. Most likely they are doing very nice things for you all the time and it is going unnoticed or being taken for granted. (See #2)
6. Tell your kids you love them. All the time. There is no reason EVER to call them bad names or degrade them. You are their world. Act like it.
7. Adopt an animal from the humane society. These sweet creatures WILL end up being the best pet ever and maybe, just maybe, it will result in a "bad" breeder going out of business. It wasn't the dog's fault he ended up in a cage in the shelter with only 4 days left to live...
8. Save. Save your money for retirement and/or kids' schooling and/or mortgage, etc. There is very little reason to drive a $55,000 car if you are making $50,000. Doing so indicates that you may be as egomaniacal as us bloggers and think that someone actually cares what you drive.
9. Realize that you are replaceable, especially at work. While we are all replaceable, we can make it very difficult for our employer to get rid of us by excelling at our job, going above and beyond, being early and staying late, and generally overachieving. See #2.
10. Trust others. Until they give you a reason not to trust them, trust them. Questioning the motives of every person you meet is exhausting. Ask me. I know. Follow rule #1 and see where it goes.
SO, that is the majority of my daily thoughts that I generally do not share with others. I can only wonder what advice I would get from the stranger next to me on the tram, or my colleague at work, or one of the kid's teachers, etc. More than that, I wonder if I would take it to heart... Throw some advice at me and I'll let you know!